Inilah theme color untuk majlis akad nikah nanti. I choosed grey as the theme color. Other half pulak mengikut saja. Saja nak kelainan sket since most of people use white as their solemnization dress. I guess this color looks elegant and classy for our special moment nanti.
Mulanya ingat nak pergi beli sendiri di Gulatis, tp rasa tak sempat since keputusan dibuat sehari sebelum saya berlepas ke KL. Terus ke Butik G-Gl*amour, mintak tolong abang G yang carikan material. Saya pulak dah siap-siap pilih design and ukur badan.
I choosed chiffon as the material since kain tu tak panas dan untuk simpanan sendiri, while other half memakai satin. Design pulak, mine will be kurung mini and him, of course la baju melayu JOHOR dan ditempah di JOHOR juga.
Semangat JOHOR betul pakcik tu.
Well, lets wait until September how our dress will look alike. Harap-harap it will turn nice but simple as what we always plan.
Yang penting, selamat!!~
owh,u go for grey ek.last time i tanya significant other i,nak grey ka white.dia kata ikot i.pastuh i kata bagik pendapat plis.kita pakai hitam bleh tak?dush.tros i decide senirik.haha.
muahahaha. i da gelak guling-guling neh. tu bukan pendapat tuh, perli dow.
huda, itula. i nak combine grey dgn pink actually. tp other half takmo le ada pink2 ni. hehehe... he's a very simple person... jadi semua kita simplekan aje... ;)
ruby... abg H tu mmg suka mengarottttt kan?
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