Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dah nak habis cuti sekolah.
Tapi aku dah dua hari di Semporna.

Rasa nak tulis rentetan perjalanan kami sepanjang cuti sekolah yang lepas.
But I am still weak.
Air mata ini masih ada untuk mengalir.

When he wrote to me like this,

"This morning is raining. I'm fine."

I replied,

"But my heart too. I miss you."

I smell him and feel he is still around.

Tunggulah bila rasa ini reda.


Wana said...

hi Sis,

hang on.. InsyaAllah, ade rezeki u & ur husband will be together like other couple.. in that way u will appreciate and treasure every second time when both of u are together..

Teh said...

hi sis,

insyaAllah.. thanks for ur doa...

how ur baby dear??? mesti dah besar dan pandai macam-macam kan....

Iron Butterfly said...

awwwww... *wipes tear